
Created With

linkGithub, a companion to git

GitHub is part social network for developers, part collaboration tool for teams.

It allows you to remotely host your .git projects for free

It is a separate product from git itself, created in February of 2008 and later purchased by Microsoft

There are also numerous other benefits that GitHub provides over plain old git for example

Github, a companion to git

Home Backstory Why Git? Setting Up GitHub GitHub CLI Your GitHub Profile GitHub Pages Creating A New Repo Cloning A Repository Your First Commit Ignoring Files In Git Stashing Your Changes Branching With Git Merging Git Branches Rebasing Vs Merging Git Workflows Fork And Pull Flow Your First Pull Request Automated Security Alerts Seeing The Differences Removing/Deleting Files Reverting Your Commits Configuring your Git Commit Templates Creating Shortcuts Dotfile Management Sponsoring Open Source Handy Commands Thank You

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